
Cypress Essential Oil (Cupressus sempervirens) 10ml

Original price was: £3.99.Current price is: £2.99.

  • Brand: Zoom Health
  • Scent: Sweet, Balsamic, Tenacious
  • Features: Steam Distilled, Pure, Therapeutic Grade
  • Product benefits: Toxin Removal, Respiratory Support, Wound Healing, Anxiety Relief, Blood Clotting
  • Item volume: 10 Millilitres

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SKU: ESS023 / P0 (ZHB) Category:

This essential oil comes from the cypress tree, a very tall plant that is found in Mediterranean countries and parts of North Africa.

Colour: Colourless to yellow
Country of Origin: Italy
Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
Fragrance Note: Middle
Plant Part: Leaves and Twigs
Scent: Sweet, Balsamic, Tenacious

Blends well with:  bergamot, clary sagefrankincense, juniper, lavender, marjoram, pine, rosemary, sandalwood,  and all citrus fruits

Health Benefits of Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress essential oil is acquired through the steam distillation of young stems, twigs, and needles of the cypress tree. This essential oil is valued because it has the ability to remove toxins from our bodies, help the respiratory system, fight infections and relieve anxiety and nervousness. The main constituents of this magical tree are carene, limonene, and alpha-pinene. This oil is known for its antibacterial, antiseptic, stimulating, antispasmodic and antirheumatic properties.

Heal Infections and Wound

If you need a remedy for healing cuts fast, consider cypress essential oil. Camphene is responsible for the antiseptic qualities of cypress essential oil. The oil can treat both internal and external wounds and also prevent infections. Studies have shown that Cypress oil has antimicrobial properties that prevent test bacteria growth. The research revealed that this oil could be used in soap-making because it can kill bacteria on our skins. You can also use this oil to treat pimples, sores, skin eruptions, and pustules.

Promotes Blood Clotting

The astringent and hemostatic qualities of Cypress oil help in stopping excess blood flow and in promoting blood clotting. The oil aids in the contraction of the blood vessels, hence stimulating the flow of blood. This leads to muscle, skin, hair follicles and gums contraction. The astringent properties help the oil to tighten the tissues while the hemostatic properties stop the blood flow. These two qualities work hand in hand to heal cuts, wounds and open sores quickly.

Helps Eliminate Respiratory Conditions

Cypress oil has the ability to clear up congestion and eliminate phlegm that builds up in our lungs and respiratory tracts. The oil will also work as an antispasmodic agent and can treat severe respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and asthma. Its antibacterial properties aid in treating respiratory infections caused by bacterial overgrowth.

Aids in Toxin Removal  

Since this oil is also diuretic, it helps in flushing out all the toxins in the body. It can increase perspiration and sweat allowing your body to remove excess salt, toxins, and excess water quickly. This is beneficial to all body systems, and it inhibits acne as well as other skin conditions that are caused by the buildup of toxins. Cypress essential oil also cleanses and benefits the liver by lowering cholesterol levels naturally. The antioxidant compounds in the oil can help the body get rid of excess toxins and prevent free radical scavenging.

Relieves Anxiety

The sedative properties of cypress oil contribute to inducing a relaxed and calm feeling whether used topically or aromatically. It is still energizing and can stimulate the feelings of ease and happiness. This is particularly helpful to those people who are having trouble sleeping, undergoing emotional stress, or have recently experienced shock or trauma. To effectively use cypress oil as a remedy for anxiousness and anxiety, add exactly five drops of cypress essential oil to a diffuser or warm-water bath. It’s more helpful to diffuse the oil during the night, beside the bed, in order to treat symptoms of insomnia and restlessness.

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