Health Benefits of Wearing Earplugs

Health Benefits of Wearing Earplugs

Earplugs are hardly glamorous to look at or exciting to wear for most people, but they actually have a lot of benefits and uses. Just about anyone who works in a noisy environment, or lives in one, should keep a pair of earplugs close at hand to keep their ears safe. Swimmers, sailors, and travellers … Read more

Ways to Fall Asleep Quicker and Easier

Fall Asleep Quicker

Taking a nap as a kid was probably one of your least favourite things to do. But in reality, taking that afternoon nap at that time as a kid was one of the most important things kids should do. Your parents might insist you come inside for your nap even though some of your friends … Read more

How to Avoid Vitamin D Deficiency

How to Avoid Vitamin D Deficiency | Zoom Health

A study conducted at the University of Newcastle in 2010 revealed that approximately 16% of of the British population is severely deficient in vitamin D during the winter, and half the population has some degree of deficiency. The research shows the problem is much more prevalent in the North and among those of Asian and … Read more

Sleep: Unlocking the Benefits

Why You Need a Good Night’s Sleep

Why is Sleeping So Important? You can’t live without sleep! It is when you sleep that the brain gets some respite from all the thinking you do constantly when you’re awake. Sleeping is when you relinquish voluntary control of the brain. It is a subtle change in consciousness that the body needs to sustain itself, … Read more

Potassium: Nature’s Way to Manage Blood Pressure

You’ve probably heard a lot about nutrients like calcium for strong bones or iron to prevent anaemia. But what about potassium? This important mineral often gets overlooked, despite playing crucial roles throughout your body. Let’s shine a spotlight on why getting enough potassium should be on your radar. Potassium’s Vital Functions Potassium is one of … Read more