Gastritis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Gastritis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Gastritis is a broad term for inflammation or irritation of the lining of the stomach. It can come on suddenly (known as “acute gastritis”) or gradually (known as “chronic gastritis”). The term ‘acute’ means that the attacks are short, not necessarily that the symptoms are severe. The term ‘chronic’ means the infection has developed slowly, … Read more

Neck Pain: Causes, Diagnosis, and Effective Treatments

How is Neck Pain Diagnosed? In most cases, a medical history and a physical examination are sufficient for a healthcare provider to diagnose the cause of neck pain. Your doctor or surgery will first check for any serious concerns, such as infection, pressure on the spinal cord, myelopathy, or cancer. Medical History Your GP will … Read more

A Parent’s Guide to ADHD in Children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty paying attention, excessive activity, and impulsive behavior. While many kids can be restless or unfocused at times, in children with ADHD these behaviors are more severe and happen in multiple settings, like home and school. ADHD can significantly impact a child’s academic … Read more

Cat Allergy Help: Tips for Coping with Pet Allergies at Home

If you’re allergic to cats, having a furry feline friend at home can be challenging. However, with some adjustments, you may be able to reduce allergy symptoms and keep enjoying your cat’s company. This guide covers causes of cat allergies, how to manage symptoms, and tips for living with cats when you have allergies. What … Read more

Hemp Seed Oil: More Than Just Omega Fatty Acids

Five Reasons You Should Consider Hemp Seed Oil Capsules – The Overlooked Superfood Supplement Hemp seeds, although seeming unassuming, offer an impressive nutritional profile. Cold-pressed to extract the oil, what remains is used for other food products, but the oil itself harbours health benefits making it worthy of attention. Hemp seed oil stems from the … Read more

Stomach Cancer – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Stomach Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, develops in the tissues of the stomach. The stomach plays an important role in digesting food. After swallowing, food is held in the stomach while gastric juices break it down. The stomach’s muscular walls also contract to further break down food before it moves to the small intestine … Read more

Chlamydia – Symptoms, Testing and Treatment

Chlamydia, one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections in the UK, often goes unnoticed due to its lack of symptoms. However, if left untreated, it can lead to serious health complications, especially in women. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the details of chlamydia, from its causes and symptoms to its diagnosis, treatment, … Read more

STD’s – Understanding Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These are a group of illnesses spread through unprotected sexual contact. Anyone engaging in sexual activity is at risk of contracting an STD from an infected partner if proper protection (eg: condoms) is not used. There are over 25 different types of STDs that … Read more


What is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a serious inflammation of the liver that can lead to severe illness. It is often referred to as liver disease. There are several hepatitis viruses, the most common being Hepatitis A, B, and C. While they share similarities in symptoms and effect on the liver, they are spread in different ways and have … Read more