When you make a purchase from Zoom Health you will be pleased to know that some of the money you pay us goes towards supporting some great UK charities. Sometimes it easy to forget how fortunate some of us are and it’s often important to stop and look around at what you have and think of others who are less lucky in life.
This is not our way of trying to entice new customers, but if you are reading this page and fancy doing something good (and maybe getting a bit of Good Karma along the way), why not make a small donation to any of the charities listed below?

Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is the world’s largest charity dedicated to saving lives through research. The charity’s vision is to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. You can even choose where your donation is spent when you donate now to Cancer Research UK.

Diabetes UK
Diabetes UK is a charity with a vision of a world where diabetes can do no harm. The charity is leading the fight against the UK’s biggest and growing health crisis. And it’s a fight that involves us all – sharing knowledge and taking on diabetes together. We can support people living with diabetes by donating, volunteering and campaigning.

Mind is the mental health charity. It provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. Your donation could give someone hope and help them know they’re not alone

National Deaf Children’s Society
The National Deaf Children’s Society are a UK national charity that help children and families of children that suffer from loss of hearing. Why not help them by making a small donation by clicking here.