Coin Sized Device Could Help Infertile Couples Get Pregnant

Infertile couples having troubles conceiving naturally may get a little bit of help thanks to the University of Southampton’s fertility specialists and their tiny implant.

The device, approximately the size of a small coin, will monitor the womb’s temperature, oxygen, and pH levels. The objective is to utilize the gadget to compare data from fruitful and infertile women to understand what constitutes a healthy womb environment.

NHS figures have determined that one in seven United Kingdom couples have problems getting pregnant. This equates to about 3.5 million people.

There are numerous reasons why people suffer from infertility, affecting either gender. In about 1/4 of all cases, doctors have no idea what is causing a woman to be infertile.

Current fertility tests often cause anxiety for couples because there is a wait time to receive results. Researchers are trying to devise a device that would make it as easy as taking your blood pressure to find out what makes a womb a healthy environment.  This includes getting measurements and understanding the environment.

Similar to the contraceptive coil, the device is implanted into the body and stays there for a week. While there, it sends information wirelessly back to the data chip that’s inside a special pair of underwear the patients wears.

After the study period is over, the doctors take the device out and look at the information obtained.

The device has increased scientists’ enthusiasm in helping patients conceive. It will help doctors to discover fertility problems sooner and help to decrease the burden fertility treatments have on patients. It has great potential to lead to even better fertility treatments and therapies.

People who have problems conceiving naturally often turn to in vitro fertilization as a chance to get pregnant. However, the chances of getting pregnant this way are not guaranteed, and one treatment costs thousands of dollars.

The study will first get a sample of 30 women from the fertility clinic at the university and then look for women in both miscarriage and fertility clinics and women who don’t suffer from fertility problems.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

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This post was originally published in 2017. It was last updated in June 2023.

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