Frankincense Essential Oil: The Royal Remedy You Need to Know About

Ever wondered why frankincense was one of the gifts brought to baby Jesus? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the world of this “King of essential oils” and uncover its royal secrets!

What’s the Buzz About Frankincense?

Frankincense essential oil isn’t just another pretty scent. It’s a powerhouse of benefits packed into tiny amber droplets. Extracted from the Boswellia Carterii tree, this aromatic wonder hails from Somalia and parts of Pakistan.

But here’s the kicker: these sacred trees are pickier than a toddler at dinnertime when it comes to growing conditions. That’s why frankincense oil is about as rare as a unicorn sighting and just as magical!

Sniff Your Way to Serenity

Feeling frazzled? Frankincense has got your back! Its woody aroma with warm undertones is like a comforting hug for your nose. It’ll chase away those pesky negative vibes faster than you can say “om.”

Try this: Dab a drop on the soles of your feet. Weird? Maybe. Effective? You bet! It’s like hitting the reset button on your mood.

DIY Aromatherapy: Because Why Not?

Want to turn your home into a zen den? Whip up your own room spray! Here’s how:

  1. Grab a spray bottle
  2. Add 10-15 drops of frankincense oil
  3. Toss in a teaspoon of Himalayan salt (fancy, right?)
  4. Fill ‘er up with water
  5. Shake it like a polaroid picture

Voila! You’ve got yourself a mood-boosting mist that’d make even the grumpiest person smile.

From Arthritis to Asthma: Frankincense’s Got You Covered

This isn’t just aromatherapy mumbo-jumbo. Science is giving frankincense a standing ovation for its health benefits. It’s like a Swiss Army knife for your body!

Arthritis? Meet Your Match

Frankincense is like kryptonite for inflammation. It tells those pesky leukotrienes (inflammation-causing compounds) to take a hike. Your joints will be doing the happy dance in no time!

Gut Feeling

If your tummy’s been throwing tantrums, frankincense might be the timeout it needs. It’s shown promise in calming down Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Plus, it gives your digestive juices a pep talk, getting them to work harder.

Breathe Easy

Asthma sufferers, listen up! Frankincense has been playing superhero against bronchitis and asthma for centuries. It’s like a gentle massage for your bronchial muscles, helping you breathe easier.

Beauty in a Bottle

Ladies and gents, meet your new skincare BFF. Frankincense is like a time machine for your face. It helps reduce wrinkles, fade scars, and give you that “I woke up like this” glow. Who needs expensive creams when nature’s got your back?

Cancer’s Kryptonite?

Now, don’t go tossing out your doctor’s orders just yet, but frankincense has shown some promising results in fighting certain cancers. From breast to colon cancer, this oil might be packing some serious punch against those nasty cells.

How to Use It (Without Overdoing It)

Before you go dousing yourself in frankincense, remember: moderation is key! Here’s a quick guide:

  • For arthritis: 200-400 mg, thrice daily
  • Ulcerative colitis: 350-400 mg, thrice daily
  • Asthma: 300-400 mg, thrice daily

But hold your horses! Always chat with your doc before starting any new treatment. They’re the real MVPs when it comes to your health.

Word to the Wise

As amazing as frankincense is, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Some folks might find it irritating on their skin, so do a patch test first. And pregnant or nursing mums (and kiddos), check with your healthcare provider before jumping on the frankincense bandwagon.

Oh, and please don’t go chugging frankincense oil like it’s a smoothie. Ingesting it can be toxic unless you’re under a doctor’s watchful eye.

frankincense essential oil

Ready to Experience Frankincense for Yourself?

Now that you’re clued in on the royal benefits of frankincense, you might be itching to give it a try. But where to start? Look no further than high-quality frankincense essential oil from reputable sources.

For instance, you might consider a product like the Frankincense Essential Oil (Boswellia Thurifera) from Zoom Health. This 10ml bottle packs a powerful punch, featuring oil steam-distilled from the gum of frankincense trees in India. Its pale yellow hue and fresh, balsamic scent are telltale signs of its purity.

Remember, quality matters when it comes to essential oils. You want the real deal to reap all those fantastic benefits we’ve talked about. Whether you’re diffusing it for a peaceful night’s sleep, adding a drop to your moisturiser for a skin boost, or dabbing it on your wrists for stress relief, a little goes a long way.

Fancy giving Frankincense a go? It’s dead easy to get started! Pop a few drops in your diffuser before bed, and you’ll be drifting off to dreamland in no time. Or why not treat yourself to a DIY facial? Mix a drop with your favourite moisturiser for a luxurious boost. Feeling stressed? Dab a bit on your wrists or temples for an instant calm-down. Just remember, a little goes a long way with this powerful stuff. And if you’ve got sensitive skin, always do a patch test first. Trust me, your nose (and your stress levels) will thank you!

So, are you ready to add a touch of ancient wisdom to your modern wellness routine? Your journey with frankincense awaits!

Photo “Frankincense Essential Oil” by Anthony Cunningham for Zoom Health

Zoom Health is a leading UK supplier of Home Health Tests and Earplugs

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