Heading to a Big Game? Bring Your Baby without Risking Their Hearing

There’s a certain feeling at the start of any big game.  That moment when the teams enter the packed arena is enough to get anyone’s heart racing, so it’s no wonder the noise from the crowd can be deafening at that point and beyond.  It is that very moment that turns the low hum of conversation and anticipation into almost palpable energy.

Attending a big sporting match and rooting for your favourite team makes you feel excited and alive.  The music booms, the cheering and noise from other fans help lift your own excitement level, and the commentators don’t miss any opportunity to announce play-by-play what’s happening on the field below.  With such an amazing combination of factors, it makes perfect sense why so many people live to attend their next big sporting match.

However, all of this noise and excitement can make us almost oblivious to the damage actively being done to our hearing.  We’ve known for quite some time now that loud and sharp noises can reduce our ability to hear.  It’s bad enough that consenting adults willingly choose to attend super-loud sporting matches despite knowing that all-too-familiar dull feeling they’ll experience in their ears afterward.  But what about children and – worse – infants?  The youngest members of our families don’t get to make decisions in the same way that adults do, and they could end up with permanent hearing loss as a result of attending a loud event without adequate hearing protection.

As we know, the thumping noise and ear-piercing cheering only add to the fun and excitement of a game for adults.  But for children and infants, these same sounds can be overwhelming, scary, and even painful.  Luckily, all it takes is properly-fitted hearing protection to allow children and infants to relax and enjoy the experience, while also preventing the permanent hearing loss that could otherwise occur if their hearing is unprotected.

The Banz Range of Earmuffs For Babies

Banz Bubzee Baby Earmuffs - Geo

Banz Bubzee Baby Earmuffs – Geo

Protect your baby's hearing with these Banz earmuffs, designed specifically for babies. These mini ear defenders are perfect for young children from 3 months until 2 years. Age: 3 months until 2 years Lightweight Safety Certified Well padded ear cups and headband Very effective protection from noise ... Read More

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Bubzee Baby Earmuffs by Banz - Sticks & Stones

Banz Bubzee Baby Earmuffs – Sticks And Stones

Banz earmuffs are ear defenders specifically for babies. These mini ear defenders are ideal for children from 3 months until 2 years. Lightweight Safety Certified Well padded ear cups and headband Very effective protection from noise ... Read More

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banz baby peace

Banz Bubzee Baby Earmuffs – Peace

Babies too can benefit from the best ear protection when they use these wonderful Banz earmuffs. Designed especially for young children, these mini ear defenders are perfect for children aged 3 months to 2 years. Age: 3 months until 2 years Lightweight Safety Certified Well padded ear cups and headband ... Read More

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When you think of protecting your infants’ and children’s hearing, you may think that you need to avoid loud events altogether.  But where’s the fun in that?  There’s no need to avoid otherwise enjoyable experiences, provided you go the extra step to protect your children’s tiny little eardrums.  Hearing protection works by providing a buffer between the raw noise and the sensitive instruments deep inside your children’s ears.

The aim is to experience and enjoy the noise in a safe way.  For this reason, while you’re packing giant foam fingers, cushions, blankets, snacks, bottles, and all the other essentials for a big game, remember to pack your children’s hearing protection as well.  And for the adults, there’s no shame in bringing a pair of earplugs for each of you.  When you’re in your senior years and your hearing is still intact, you’ll be glad you did.

When you’re looking for hearing protection for infants and children, look no further than Banz.  Hearing protection earmuffs produced by Banz works brilliantly to protect sensitive little ears without taking away any of the fun.  Even better, they’re completely portable, making it easy to pack your Banz along with the other essentials.

The ability to hear and appreciate sound is a gift and a blessing: just ask a hearing-impaired person or a senior citizen who didn’t take care of their hearing during their younger years.  Sound can provide a wonderful, rich, powerful aspect of the experience of being human, and it’s not a gift that should be thrown away.  By taking a simple action like investing in hearing protection for your children and infants, you will be setting up your little ones to enjoy a vibrant sense of sound their entire life.

With hearing protection devices readily available, there is no excuse for not taking the extra step to protect your children’s hearing.  Similarly, there is no need for anyone in your family to miss out on attending exciting sporting matches that make your heart pound and get you leaping out of your seat, provided you’ve adequately protected everyone’s hearing in advance.

If there has to be a downside to effective hearing protection, it’s this: babies and young children are often so soothed by wearing their hearing protection that they fall asleep, often during the most exciting part of the game!

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