Will My Tinnitus Go Away After Ear Wax Removal?

When ear wax causes your tinnitus, taking it out often fixes the problem. But some people hear ringing or buzzing for a short time after the treatment. These sounds usually stop within a few hours or days.

What is Tinnitus After Ear Wax Removal?

When we clean your ears, you might hear sounds that aren’t really there. This could be ringing, buzzing, or beating noises. This kind of tinnitus often happens because:

  • The cleaning tools make noise
  • Your ear might be a bit tender after cleaning
  • Your hearing needs time to settle after the wax is gone

Different Ways to Remove Ear Wax and Their Effects

We can remove ear wax in three main ways:

Microsuction is the safest choice. We use a tiny vacuum to pull out the wax while we can see what we’re doing. The machine makes noise, so you might hear ringing for a short time after.

Ear irrigation uses warm water to wash out the wax. It’s quite safe, but not as good as microsuction. There’s a small chance it might cause short-term tinnitus.

Ear syringing (the old way) isn’t used much now. It can hurt your ears and often causes tinnitus, which is why doctors have moved away from this method.

When Are You More Likely to Get Tinnitus?

Your chance of getting tinnitus after ear wax removal goes up if:

  • You’re older
  • The doctor uses older methods to clean your ears
  • Your ears were already having problems
  • You’ve had tinnitus before

What Should You Do If You Get Tinnitus?

If you notice tinnitus after having your ears cleaned:

  1. Don’t put anything in your ear – leave it alone
  2. Remember this usually gets better on its own
  3. Call your doctor if it lasts more than three days
  4. Stay calm – temporary tinnitus is common after ear cleaning

How to Avoid Problems

To reduce your risk of getting tinnitus:

  • Choose clinics that use modern methods like microsuction
  • Tell your doctor about any ear problems you’ve had
  • Pick someone who regularly cleans ears
  • Never try to clean deep in your ears at home

Remember, while tinnitus after ear wax removal can be worrying, it’s usually temporary. If your tinnitus doesn’t go away after three days, always get it checked by a healthcare professional.

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Photo by Anthony Cunningham for Zoom Health UK

Zoom Health is a leading UK supplier of Home Health Tests and Earplugs

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